Friday, April 01, 2005

this is the story of my life.

when i was young i was constantly plagued with insecurity. i took myself way too seriously, i was a pathological perfectionist, and more often than not i made mountains out of molehills.

all this was never more evident than when my dad took me out to play golf at the CRC rec center. ..

my dad is probably the most laid back person i've ever known. he never yells, he rarely gets angry, and usually the only thing to ever get him in any way riled up is when someone disagrees with his political views. i still remember the first time i ever heard him swear. around the 4th hole at fellowship greens was when i would usually start whining and being generally insufferable because i wasn't playing at the level of a pga tour champion. my dad, bless his heart, usually endured my temper tantrums with patience... but this one time he had simply had enough. after bearing with me for a couple of minutes, he pronounced in frustration "well you take the game so d#$% seriously!" i can honestly say i don't think i've heard him swear since.

thankfully, i've since matured out of most of these fatal personality flaws. i can, as a matter of fact, play an entire round of golf now without throwing my clubs on the ground like a petulant child. but, unfortunately, that doesn't mean that these old characteristics don't read their ugly heads from time to time.

case in point: i created this blog over a week ago and this is my first post. i can blame this on a number of things, not the least of which being the simple fact that i've had nothing interesting to say. but i think mostly it has to do with me. wanting this blog to somehow alter the state of the universe. knowing full well that it won't even make a dent.

i started this blog because of the proverbial "everbody else is doing it..." but i have to admit that i'm looking forward to keeping it. and i'd like to thank sara nelson for pressuring me to finally get over the hurdle of this first entry by threatening to kill me. or at the very least, remove the link to my blog from hers.

the end. or should i say... the beginning.

[cue inspirational elevator music]


Blogger SN said...

more, more, more!! (now watch how this things posts my picture...weird eh?)

12:16 PM  

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