Tuesday, April 19, 2005

music is food.

i've been reading a little bit about this condition called synesthesia. people who have this condition experience a phenomenon where their five senses essentially "bleed" into one another. some people taste sounds, others hear color. it's fascinating. and i was thinking about it last night while enjoying the iron & wine concert at calvin.

i often have trouble explaining to people just how much i love music. probably because i can't even really explain it to myself. at least not with words. sometimes i'll be driving in my car listening to a new cd and i'll be so overwhelmed with how wonderful it is that i want to remove it from the player and take a huge bite out of it. i want to ingest and digest it so that it will flow through my veins and sustain my life. like vegetables.

i don't think i actually have synesthesia. but i do believe i can actually smell, feel, see, and taste music. i wouldn't trade that condition for anything in the world.

on why i want to marry a rockstar:
i suppose it's a little bit like florence nightingale syndrome. there they are. positioned profoundly up on that stage. their scruffy faces awash in brightly colored lights. flaunting their fitted jeans and their unwashed unkempt hair. and they're creating something. they're creating this amazing thing that fuels my soul and gives me joy and life and energy. i'm powerless against it. it's not just some stupid criteria i have like some girls who make lists of all the qualities they want their future soulmate to possess. (plays guitar: check.) it's just that i think music is the only other thing that can occupy that deep place in my heart where my soulmate will also reside. so i guess i figure if they're going to be sharing a living space, they might as well have something in common.


Blogger sara said...

yah i actually had a dream last night that i checked my blog and had like 50 new comments. i'm ashamed to admit it made me happy. thanks, ames!

3:49 PM  

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